JBL Club is an exclusive reward program by Fone Haus. Members of the club receives exclusive discounts and points! Only available at Fone Haus

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Most frequent questions and answers
- Purchase a JBL product in store to qualify for membership
- Scan the registration QR code in store or click this link: https://jblclub.fonehaus.com.pg/?page_id=12
- After registration our team will verify your account, which will take 1 business day
- Download the app , if you unable to download the app or your device is not compatible you can still use the perks by visiting https://jblclub.fonehaus.com.pg/and login
- You will receive a confirmation email that your account is now approved
- Login in the app or mobile website to start getting discount
- Purchase any JBL item at any Fone Haus store, present your virtual card in the cashier and you will start earning points
- Once you have enough points, you can go to any Fone Haus store and approach the manager or the cashier that you want to claim a JBL reward.
- Login in your JBL app and show the cashier that you have enough points to claim an imte
The 15% discount will only be valid until May 15, 2023 After the promo period, JBL club members can still get a discount but it will be lower than 15%
Yes, your family and friends can use your membership card, as long as you are present in the shop
No, JBL club is only available in all Fone Haus shop
No, your JBL club membership is valid until the program is active